The Benefits of Flossing

When you think about keeping your pearly whites strong and healthy, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? If you thought of flossing or brushing, you’re not alone. Still, would you be surprised to learn that inadequate flossing may have a bad effect on your teeth and on your overall health?

As you may know, removing plaque and bad bacteria from your enamel and your gum line is vital to your dental health. If you do not remove plaque, it will eventually harden into tartar. Sadly, trying to remove tartar at home can be dangerous to your teeth. To avoid this issue, you should try to clean below your gum line with floss since a toothbrush can’t reach that area. If you fail to remove this harmful plaque from your gum line, you could ultimately end up with gum disease. Gum disease, if not treated, will damage your jaw bone and the tissue that holds your pearly whites in place.

Similarly, if you don’t keep your gums clean, they could inflame. If you are suffering from gum disease, your gums could pull away from your teeth and expose their roots. Unfortunately, this means bad bacteria and germs from your teeth and gums can affect the health of your entire body. If this does happen to you, you will be more susceptible to diseases such as heart disease, respiratory issues, and even dementia.

If you’re interested in hearing more about the care we can provide or would like to learn more about flossing in [city], [state], please feel free to contact [practice_name] at [phone]. Our dentist, Dr. [doctor_name], and the rest of our team will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you have. We’re excited to hear from you.

Pregnancy Can Affect Your Oral Health

If you’re pregnant—especially if you’re pregnant for the first time—you may be both excited and nervous. You probably understand that there are several things you’ll need to do to get ready. You also know that your body will change to accommodate your little one, but did you know that your mouth will change as well?

For example, you’ll have more fluid in your body while you’re pregnant, which can lead to problems in your oral cavity. Your hormones can also be elevated, which can cause swelling in your gums. Sadly, this leaves pregnant women more vulnerable to gingivitis. If your gingivitis isn’t treated, it could become worse and ultimately lead to a number of serious problems.

Sadly, because gum disease can let bad plaque and bacteria into your bloodstream, your overall health could suffer. Sadly, this problem can also affect your little one. In fact, if your gum disease isn’t addressed, you could be more likely to have gum disease, high blood pressure, preeclampsia, preterm delivery, and even heart disease.

We also recommend scheduling regular appointments with our dentist, Dr. [doctor_name] regularly. If you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact [practice_name] at [phone]. We look forward to receiving your call soon.

Stopping Gum Disease

More adults deal with gum disease than you may think. It’s actually a very serious health problem in America, and the saddest part is that it’s entirely preventable. To help you stop gum disease and hopefully never have to deal with it, our team at [practice_name] in [city], [state], put this together to help you stop gum disease in its tracks.

Stopping gum disease

Every oral health tip is designed to help you fight off the possibility of contracting gum disease. For those of you who don’t know, gum disease is a significantly large problem for many adults. It causes tooth loss, deterioration of the jaw bone, and can even lead to oral cancer.

You don’t have time for those problems, and you certainly don’t want to deal with the side effects of gum disease. So use these tips to stop it from happening.

Great oral health routine

The number-one thing you can do to help your mouth stay as healthy as possible is to keep your oral health in great shape. You win because you’ll always have a great, shining smile that you’ll want to show off whenever possible. And, your mouth is healthy and at almost no risk for contracting gum disease!

Call today to schedule an appointment. We can be reached at [phone].

Top Reasons to Take Great Care of Your Gums

Your gums are important parts of your oral health; in fact, they’re so important that Dr. [doctor_name] and our [practice_name] team strongly encourage you to take great care of them. There are many reasons why you should keep your gums in tip-top shape, and some of those reasons are because healthy gums can:

-Help your overall health: If you keep your gums in pristine condition, you will prevent gum disease. Gum disease is a serious dental issue that can affect your smile and alter your overall health. Studies have shown that gum disease can be linked to major health issues, like heart disease, stroke, and respiratory disease. So, keeping your gums healthy and strong will help you have the best overall health possible.

-Improve your nutritional health: If gum disease is left untreated, it can result in lost teeth, and if you have an incomplete smile, eating healthy foods can be extremely difficult. So, if you have top-notch gums, you will be able to eat the healthy and nutritious foods you need to avoid fatigue and dizziness.

-Boost your emotional health: Having healthy gums will help you love your smile. You will have the pink, fresh gums that add character to your appearance, and you will also never have to worry about having an incomplete, gapped, or embarrassing smile.

If you would like to learn more about proper gum care in [city], [state], please call our office at [phone] and talk to your dentist or a member of our dental team. We are here to give you the tips and information you need to have the best oral health possible, and we look forward to talking with you!

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